• January 16, 2009
  • North America

Funambol CEO Fabrizio Capobianco to Discuss Industry Impact of Open Source at Mobile World CongressCompany to preview next-gen open source MobileWe for 2 billion phones; visitors
can experience world's best free mobile open source and espresso

REDWOOD CITY, Calif. – January 16, 2009 – Funambol, the leading provider of open source push email and mobile sync worldwide, today announced that its CEO, Fabrizio Capobianco, is participating in a three-hour special focus session on open source at GSMA Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain, February 16-19. Capobianco is on a panel with Orange, HTC and Sun Microsystems that will discuss the impact of open source on relationships across the mobile value chain.

Funambol will also reveal its next-generation open source MobileWe solution, which is backed by the world’s largest mobile open source developer community. MobileWe works on two billion phones, including popular smartphones, such as Apple iPhone, BlackBerry Storm and Google G1. MobileWe syncs and shares contacts, calendars, email, photos, and more, via the Internet cloud, and supports popular desktop apps, such as Outlook, and webmail, including Gmail, AOL Mail, Yahoo! Mail and Hotmail.

“Mobile World Congress is a premier event and with a theme of all things ‘open,’ it promises to be one of the most interesting industry happenings,” said Fabrizio Capobianco, Funambol CEO. “Open source and mobile are becoming synonymous – it is the future of the industry.”

In addition to providing an exclusive preview of its next-gen open source MobileWe solution, Funambol invites you to experience the world’s best espresso at its booth #1J46 in Hall 1.

The Mobile World Congress open source special focus session is on Wednesday, February 18. You can read more about it at http://tinyurl.com/gsmaopensource.

About Funambol

Funambol is the leading provider of open source push email and mobile sync worldwide. Funambol open source software has been downloaded three million times by 50,000 developers and project participants in 200 countries. The commercial version of Funambol has been deployed at service providers, mobile operators, portals, device manufacturers and ISVs including customers such as AOL, 1&1, Earthlink and CA, Inc. Funambol is headquartered in Redwood City, California with an R&D center in Italy. For more information, please visit http://www.funambol.com. You can also learn more about Funambol by following it on Twitter at http://twitter.com/funambol.

Jenna Boller for Funambol
Page One PR
(415) 321-2344