• July 30, 2010
  • North America

Funambol v8.7 Improves Rich Media Sharing for Mobile Devices with Social Networks and Photo Sites Via the CloudCommercial Open Source Software Uploads Mobile Pictures to Facebook, Flickr and Picasa; Imports Facebook Profile Pictures Into Address Books; Provides Open Cloud API for Mobile Apps

REDWOOD CITY, CA – July 30, 2010 – Funambol, the open source mobile cloud sync company, today announced version 8.7 that enhances the sharing of rich media on mobile phones with social networks and content sites. Funambol Carrier Edition v8.7 is commercial open source software that syncs photos on smartphones with the cloud-based Funambol Portal, where users can share them with Facebook, Flickr and Picasa. The software enables Funambol customers to extend the list of supported social networks and photo sites. It further allows importing Facebook friends’ profile pictures into user address books in the portal, where these photos can be synced with mobile devices and PC apps such as Outlook.

Funambol v8.7 increases the speed of syncing mobile photos and lays the foundation for syncing rich media such as video and music. It also provides an open cloud API that lets Funambol customers encourage developers to build mobile apps for their mobile cloud offerings, to harness the innovation of local talent and to ignite new revenue streams.

“Due to the proliferation of smartphones in the market, and the demand for mobile broadband connectivity, consumers expect to be able to sync user generated content and commercial media on their mobile devices, but it is very difficult to facilitate, due to the diversity of devices, media, content systems and business models,” said Fabrizio Capobianco, Funambol CEO.

He added: “Blackbox sync technology cannot reliably sync even rudimentary mobile data and does not keep pace with the frenetic innovation in the mobile market. Mobile operators and device makers are increasingly turning to mobile open source for flexibility and rapid innovation afforded by a global developer community. Funambol v8.7 offers them an even greater advantage by providing the most open and comprehensive platform for syncing rich mobile media via the cloud.”

Funambol v8.7 makes it easy to share mobile pictures with Facebook and other sites.
Funambol v8.7 provides a number of additional enhancements, including:

  • BlackBerry and Android client-to-server push
  • Apple iPad enhanced support for Funambol AJAX Portal
  • Role-based storage limits for photos
  • Storage limit visual indicator

Funambol v8.7 is immediately available. Users can try the software for free on the myFUNAMBOL demo portal for 90 days. The open source Community Edition version can be downloaded from the Funambol forge at https://www.forge.funambol.org/download/#start. A detailed description of Funambol v8.7 is available at https://www.forge.funambol.org/download/Whatisnew_Funambolv8.7.pdf.

About Funambol
Funambol is the open source mobile cloud company that provides sync and device management for billions of mobile phones and connected devices. Funambol open source has been downloaded four million times by 50,000 developers in 200 countries, making it the #1 mobile open source server project. The commercial version of Funambol has been deployed by top mobile operators, device manufacturers, internet companies, service providers and ISVs. Funambol is headquartered in Silicon Valley with R&D in Europe. For more information, please visit http://www.funambol.com. You can also follow Funambol on Twitter at http://twitter.com/funambol.

Matt Humphries or Katharine Simon at Babel PR
+44 (0)20 434 5550