• July 20, 2010
  • North America

U.S. Commerce Secretary Gary Locke Visits Suniva for Private Tour of its Manufacturing FacilitySuniva Also Joins Sec. Locke at the Clean Energy Economy Forum at the White House 

NORCROSS, GA – July 20, 2010 – Suniva, Inc., a U.S. manufacturer of high-efficiency monocrystalline silicon solar cells and modules, announced that U.S. Commerce Secretary Gary Locke received a private tour of the Company’s manufacturing facility last week, following his attendance at a regional innovation forum at Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta. Secretary Locke touted Suniva as an example of how public-private partnerships can help create and commercialize important new technologies.

Suniva also announced that Chief Marketing Officer Bryan Ashley joined other clean energy industry leaders invited to the Clean Energy Economy Forum at the White House on Friday, July 16. Commerce Secretary Gary Locke gave the keynote address at this event, and heralded Suniva for playing a leading role in helping establish a U.S. clean energy economy and for exemplifying the economic growth ideals
put forth by President Obama by exporting production while creating U.S. jobs.

In his remarks at the Clean Energy Forum, Secretary Locke outlined the importance of the clean energy industry and American innovation to jobs, the economy and national security. Highlighting the Obama administration’s focus on innovation for advancing the development and commercialization of new clean energy technologies, Secretary Locke praised Suniva as a company that is helping to produce
results towards the administration’s goals.

“I was in Georgia visiting Suniva, which manufactures high-efficiency solar cells,” Secretary Locke stated. “With a great product, a great work force and help from federal agencies, including the Department of Energy, the Export-Import Bank and Commerce, Suniva exported more than 90 percent of its product to Asia and Europe last year, while creating 150 new clean energy jobs in the United States.”

Suniva has exported more than 90 percent of its product to Asia and Europe, and won the 2010 Renewable Energy Exporter of the Year from the Export-Import Bank of the Unites States. Subject to a DOE loan guarantee, Suniva is planning to hire 500 additional staff at a new manufacturing plant in Michigan. The company employs a diverse workforce-approximately 30 percent of employees are
military veterans and many others were hired from shuttered automotive plants.

“We are thrilled with the visits which took place last week, and grateful that Secretary Locke took the time to visit our facilities to get a firsthand look at our solar manufacturing capabilities,” said Ashley.

“As the only U.S. manufacturer of high-efficiency silicon solar cells and modules that uses U.S. technology and U.S. production, we’re committed to leading the transition to a clean energy economy and continuing to create new job opportunities for thousands of Americans.”
In May 2010, Suniva joined Secretary Locke on the Obama Administration’s first cabinet-level trade mission to Asia. The mission aimed to help U.S. companies already doing business in China, such as Suniva, accelerate their growth and create more exports and U.S. jobs.
For photos with captions from Secretary Locke’s visit to Suniva, please visit Suniva’s Flickr account at: http://www.flickr.com/photos/suniva_solar/sets/72157624390486481/

About Suniva
Based in Norcross, GA, Suniva® manufactures high-efficiency monocrystalline silicon solar cells and high power solar modules with low-cost techniques in order to make solar-generated electricity costcompetitive with fossil fuels globally and is on a mission “to make solar PV sensible.” Suniva leverages exclusive licenses to critical patents and patent-pending intellectual property developed by founder and
CTO, Dr. Ajeet Rohatgi, at the Georgia Institute of Technology’s University Center of Excellence for Photovoltaic Research, which is funded by the Department of Energy. Led by an internationally regarded team of business executives and photovoltaic scientists, Suniva sells its advanced solar cells and modules Powered by Suniva™ worldwide, renewing U.S. leadership in the new energy economy.
For additional information, please visit www.suniva.com.

fama PR (for Suniva)