Savvion, acquired by Progress Software in 2010, is a leading provider of web-based Business Process Management (BPM) software.
Savvion, which was acquired by Progress Software in 2010, is a leading provider of web-based Business Process Management (BPM) software that provides customers with the ability to define, deploy and control multi-functional business processes across extended enterprises. Savvion’s BPM solutions are designed to integrate with customers’ existing application and databases, and enable companies, their employees, customers, suppliers and partners to interact from any location through a variety of Internet-enabled wired and wireless devices, resulting in improved business performance and a reduction in costs within and across functional business units. Savvion’s lifecycle approach can bring process improvement initiatives on-line in less than 90 days while delivering a 200% – 300% return on investment. Over 200 global business enterprises, public service agencies, and systems integration firms use Savvion systems to manage their business, from workgroup to enterprise, in real-time.